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Galaxy Constellations Lamp.

With the first day of summer just past us I have a fun new project to share with you! Lately, everything galaxy has taken over our world... just check out the results - type "galaxy" into pinterest...

Galaxy ice cream, nails, hair, cars, food blah blah ...

Anyhow, I wanted to build on that theme in a more nerdy way so I went with the constellations. I wanted to show the constellations that can be seen in the night sky during each of the 4 seasons. Here are the constellations for Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn.

Winter Autumn


Spring Summer


So I very tediously drew these constellations onto paper, glued it to a piece of wood and spent the next several house drilling each little star out. Let me just tell you how tedious that was (very) and I'm not proud to say this, but I broke several drill bits in the process... Those tiny ones are very fragile.

Here's what I ended up with.

Since we're just in the beginning of summer, this first picture is summer. You can see Hercules' upside down leg curling at the top right as well as scorpions curling tail at the bottom.

Here's a view of 'winter' with the lights in the room turned down so you can really see the stars. The big shiny stars at the top right are the stars of Lynx and you can also see the tail of Ursa Major hanging down.

I was thinking about trying this again and painting the wood more along the lines of the "galaxy" theme, maybe with blues and purples and letting the stars shine through.

What do you guys think???

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